Bougainvillea bonsai is a plant that catches everyone’s attention. The flower of bougainvillea is beautiful and it blooms almost all year round. It is easy to care for and grows well in an apartment or small space.
Bougainvillea is a tropical plant species native to South America. It is widely cultivated as an ornamental plant throughout the world.
Bougainvillea is an evergreen shrub and a climber, belonging to the family Nyctaginaceae, and the genus Bougainvillea.
It grows up to 40 feet (up to 12 meters), bearing attractive scarlet or pink flowers, which appear from May to October.
This beautiful flowering tree grows well outdoors but needs extensive care to thrive and live.
I’m sure you have tons of questions about how to make it feel at home indoors, what size pot it needs to be transferred into on occasion when to prune it, etc.
In this comprehensive bonsai care guide, I will demystify what you need to know about taking care of this beautiful plant.
Can I bonsai a bougainvillea Tree?
The answer to this question is a resounding yes! It is not only possible but also easy if you follow these bonsai bougainvillea tips here in this post.
Why Grow bougainvillea bonsai:
The bougainvillea is native to tropical and subtropical regions of South America, Africa, and Asia. It is a woody vine that grows quickly and tolerates poor soil conditions.
The bougainvillea is beautiful and evergreen. It can be grown as a bonsai tree or a container plant. You can grow this plant indoors, as well as outdoors.
There are over 100 species of this plant that are indigenous to different parts of the world. This makes it an ideal choice for bonsai gardening because it has so many varieties with unique characteristics. The most common varieties include:
Bougainvillea glabra – Has small leaves that are dark green in color with purple veins running through them. The flowers are bright red, pink, or orange and appear on the sides of the stems rather than at the tips like other varieties do.
It blooms during springtime, which makes it perfect for those living in cooler climates where other bougainvilleas would not thrive during this season
Bougainvillea parviflora – Has small leaves that are dark green in color with purple veins running through them but they don’t have any hairs on them like other
bougainvillea bonsai Care Guide

Bougainvillea bonsai care is easy, but they do require a little bit of effort. They are great plants for beginners because of their hardiness and ease of care.
How Often Should I Water The Bonsai?
Water only when the top inch of soil becomes dry or when the plant starts showing signs of wilting such as drooping leaves or buds and flowers that turn brown quickly after opening up.
Generally, you should water your bonsai once or twice a week during the summer months when it is hot outside or if there is no rain forecasted for at least 2 days ahead of time.
Keep in mind that bougainvillea is very susceptible to root rot. So make sure the soil has excellent drainage. Roots kept in damp and moist soil can potentially grow fungus.
The soil should never be allowed to become soggy or wet and must always be allowed to dry out between watering cycles.
Ideal Location:
Bougainvillea bonsai care begins with choosing the right location for your tree.
Bougainvillea trees need a lot of sunlight so make sure that you place them in an area where they will get at least 6 hours of direct sunlight each day.
You can keep your bonsai both indoors and outdoors, but it should be in a sunny and warm area with direct sunlight.
You can place your Bougainvillea Bonsai tree near a window but make sure that the temperature is not too hot or cold.
The ideal location for your Bougainvillea is an east-facing window that gets some filtered sunlight throughout the day.
Expose the plant to as much natural light as possible. If you’re struggling to provide enough sunlight indoors, supplement with strong artificial lighting.
Being a tropical plant, Bougainvillea loves warm weather, and you must give them winter protection.
Bougainvillea bonsai plants thrive in temperatures between 60 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit and can tolerate temperatures as low as 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 degrees Celsius) for short periods of time without any ill effects.
Bougainvillea bonsai trees prefer humidity levels between 40% and 60%. If the humidity level falls below 40%, mist your plant daily or place it in a humid room or greenhouse.
Try using a humidifier during the winter months when humidity tends to be much lower than usual.
If your plant begins to drop leaves due to lack of water or too much sun exposure, consider adding more humidity to its environment.
One of the most important steps in caring for a bougainvillea bonsai tree is overwintering it properly. Bougainvillea bonsai are tropical plants that require a warm climate year-round, so they must be brought inside during cold weather.
If you live in an area with mild winters, you can keep your bougainvillea bonsai outdoors year-round.
However, if you live in an area with temperatures below 50 degrees F (10 C) at night, bring your plant inside for the winter months.
When bringing your plant inside for the winter, place it in a sunny window with plenty of natural light from the sun shining through the window.
This will prevent damage due to frost or freezing temperatures.
The soil for your Bougainvillea bonsai should be light and airy with good drainage.
You can use commercial potting soil or make your own mix by combining equal parts perlite, peat moss, and sand.
Keep the soil evenly moist at all times, but never allow it to become soggy or dry out completely.
They are sensitive to soggy roots, so make sure that excess water can flow through the soil freely. If the roots of your tree are constantly submerged in water, they will rot and your tree will die.
Keep the pH level around 6 to 6.5 (slightly acidic).
Feed your Bougainvillea bonsai with a balanced liquid fertilizer like this every two weeks during active growth periods from spring through fall.
In the winter months, withhold fertilizer until new growth begins in early spring and resume feeding at half strength every two weeks until late summer when plants begin to show signs of dormancy (yellowing leaves).
There are different types of fertilizer that you can choose from, including liquid and granular varieties. Whichever type you prefer is fine as long as you’re giving your tree the nutrients it needs.
Bougainvillea Bonsai Tree Care Guide
How Do You Prune dawn bougainvillea bonsai?
Pruning and trimming are important parts of bonsai care. Orange bonsai trees require pruning throughout the year to maintain their shape and size.
To keep your bonsai small in size, it’s essential that you prune it.
The best time to prune the bonsai tree is in spring after the new growth has started. The first few months are the most significant, as that’s when the initial burst of leaves appears.
After the flowering, lightly prune some leaves and branches back if you want to encourage another round of development.
This way your bonsai tree will become bushier. Removing any dead twigs along the way will also make it stronger and healthier.
You can use sharp scissors, or pruning shears to remove dead or unwanted branches and leaves.
Be sure to disinfect your cutting tools between uses with a 10 percent bleach solution.
Wiring A Bougainvillea Bonsai Tree:
The first step in wiring a bougainvillea bonsai tree is to wire the branches at an early age, preferably around 1-2 years old. This will allow you to shape the tree into your desired shape with relative ease.
The best time to wire the bonsai is in spring or summer when temperatures are above 65 degrees F and humidity levels are high (at least 50%).
Once you have wired your branches, be sure to not leave them under tension for more than 2 weeks at a time as this could cause damage to the bark tissue underneath the wire.
Can You Shape a Bougainvillea Bonsai Tree?
Although the genus contains vines and bushes, you can style and shape your Bougainvillea tree. However, you need to take utmost care when bending and shaping your tree.
The leaves of a Bougainvillea are quite fragile and the young stems break easily.
Some popular styles for a bougainvillea tree would be:
- Formal Upright and Broom
- Informal Upright
- Slanting
- Cascading
- Landscaping
Don’t go for the forest style. The tree needs loads of space for the bush foliage, so developing more than one tree in one pot would be a bad idea. Forest style goes best with trees like Italian cypress.
How Often Should I Repot bougainvillea bonsai?
Repotting your bonsai tree is important because it helps promote growth in your Bougainvillea bonsai tree by improving its root structure and increasing its overall health.
It also gives you an opportunity to trim back any dead or dying branches before they become a problem later on down the road.
When the bougainvilleas are younger and smaller in size you can repot them every two to three years. For larger trees, you can wait up to five years before repotting.
The roots of the tree are quite delicate. So be extra careful not to tear off the roots when you remove the rootball from the pot!
You can do a little bit of root pruning at the time of repotting Bougainvilleas.
Pests and Diseases:
The bougainvillea is quite resistant to pests and diseases. If your tree is healthy, gets enough light, and the soil doesn’t remain wet for long you don’t need to worry much about pests and diseases.
Unhealthy trees on the other hand can get damaged by pests like aphids, powdery mildew, scale, mealy bug, etc.
bougainvillea bonsai FAQ
Here are some frequently asked questions about growing a Bougainvillea bonsai tree.
Can I bonsai a bougainvillea Tree?
The answer to this question is a resounding yes! It is not only possible but also easy if you follow these bonsai bougainvillea tips here in this post.
How long does it take to grow a bougainvillea bonsai tree?
While most bonsai species take years of training before they reach their desired size and shape, bougainvillea is a notable exception.
Your bougainvilleas can show their charm within a few months of creation or after just one growing season.
The flowers and foliage quickly grow enough to hide any flaws that other bonsai may take years to fix.
Can a bougainvillea bonsai Tree survive indoors?
Like many other bonsai trees, Bougainvillea bonsai trees can also be grown indoors, as long as they’re kept in a room with plenty of light and warm temperatures (ideally around 70F), and high humidity.
A bougainvillea bonsai tree is a beautiful addition to any household. Not only will it be a constant source of joy, but it is also fairly low-maintenance and won’t take up much space.
Bonsai trees are generally exceptionally hardy and can withstand light levels that are intolerable to most living plants. Most homes have plenty of natural light, especially in the spring, summer, and fall. During this time, keep your plant outside if possible.
The greatest danger to your plant is frost or freezing temperatures, so if you cannot keep the tree outside, be sure to bring it inside before the temperature drops low enough to damage the leaves.
We hope this article has provided you with a thorough bonsai tree care instructional. If you have any more questions about orange bonsai tree care, please don’t hesitate to let us know, and we’ll do our best to answer your questions.