There is no doubt that Fukien tea is one of the world’s most popular teas. Originating in China, Fukien tea has a strong flavor and aroma that can be enjoyed both hot and cold.
If you are thinking of growing a Fukien Tea Bonsai, this beginner-friendly guide will help you get started. Proper Fukien tea tree care starts with understanding the basics of how to grow one, such as watering and fertilizing correctly.
This guide will teach you how to choose the right Fukien Tea, soil preparation, potting and wiring techniques, pruning, and more.
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What is a Fukien Tea Tree?
The Fukien Tea Tree, also known as Carmona retusa, is a small tropical evergreen shrub that is popular for use in bonsai and penjing. It is native to southern China and Taiwan, where it grows in moist, shady forests.
The tree has small, dark green leaves and white flowers that bloom in the spring. It produces red berries that are edible but tart.
The Carmona tree is a versatile tree that can be grown indoors or outdoors in temperate climates.
Fukien Tea Tree Bonsai:
Fukien Tea Tree is a popular choice for bonsai because it is easy to grow and has a compact form. You can train the tree into many different shapes and styles, making it a versatile choice for any bonsai collection.
Because it is native to China and grows well in humid environments it is a perfect tree for anyone who lives in a tropical or subtropical climate. The Fukien Tea Tree can also be grown indoors, making it a great choice for those who don’t have access to outdoor space for growing bonsai trees.

Carmona Bonsai Tree Care Guide
Carmona bonsai are popular for their graceful appearance and can be quite easy to care for. Here are some guidelines to keep your tree healthy and looking its best.
A Fukien Tea Tree can be a great addition to any home, but it’s important to place it in the right spot.
The Fukien Tea tree likes moderate light, so place them in an area where it will receive morning or afternoon sun. A spot near a window is ideal for your Fukien tea tree.
It can tolerate direct sun but may become leggy if exposed to direct sunlight for too long.
The tree also needs good air circulation, so avoid putting it in a spot that is too windy or humid.
The tree tolerates most temperatures but kept them away from cold drafts.
The Fukien tea bonsai thrives in temperatures around 65°F to 70°F (18°C to 20°C), so be sure not to allow the temperature to drop much lower. If climate permits, you can place your Fukien tea outside during the summer months as long as the nights are warm enough.
Winter months can be trickier due to limited daylight hours and dry air from heating systems, which can affect the tree.
In winter, use a plant lamp for supplementary light and place a tray filled with wet gravel or foamed clay beneath the pot to help regulate humidity.
If opening windows in winter, ensure the Fukien tea is not exposed to cold or frosty air.
A Fukien Tea Tree bonsai needs plenty of direct sunlight. It grows best in full sun or partial shade and will tolerate a wide range of growing conditions.
If you are growing your tree indoors, place it near a window where it will get at least six hours of sunlight each day. If you don’t have a sunny window, you can supplement it with grow lights.
If you cannot provide your Fukien Tea Tree with enough natural sunlight, you can supplement it with an artificial grow light like this. The best type of light for bonsai trees is fluorescent light, which comes in cool white, warm white, and daylight colors.
Place the tree about two feet from the light source and make sure that it is getting at least 12 hours of light each day.
If it does not receive enough light, the tree may become leggy and lose its leaves.
Watering A Carmona Bonsai Tree:
Watering a Fukien Tea Tree is easy, but it’s important to keep the tree moist. It is a crucial step in Fukien tea tree care.
Carmona trees like plenty of moisture, but they don’t like wet roots. They are susceptible to root rot when left to stand in soggy soil for long.
Water the tree when the topsoil feels dry to the touch. You can use a moisture meter to test the soil, or you can stick your finger in the soil to see if it’s wet. If it’s not wet, then water the tree.
Fukien Tea Trees also need humidity, so you may want to place them in a humid area. You can also use a humidifier or humidity tray. Also, it is recommended that you do a little bit of misting regularly.
Ideal Bonsai Soil For Carmona Bonsai:
In order to grow a Fukien Tea Tree Bonsai, you will need to provide the tree with soil that drains well and is rich in nutrients.
The best way to achieve this is to mix your own potting soil using a combination of peat moss, sand, and organic matter. This will help water to drain easily and prevent the root rot that often occurs with ordinary potting soil.
When choosing soil for your Fukien Tea Tree bonsai, it’s important to find a mix that will drain well and won’t compact too much. A general-purpose potting mix or bonsai soil mix can be used, but you may need to add some extra drainage material like perlite or sand.
Be sure to provide your tree with plenty of water, especially during the summer months, as Fukien Tea Trees require moist soil conditions in order to thrive.
A soil that is too wet will cause the roots to rot, while soil that is too dry will cause the tree to die. The ideal pH for Fukien Tea Tree bonsai is 6.0-7.5.
The Fukien Tea Tree is a popular choice for a bonsai tree. It is known for its delicate, sensitive roots and requires good soil and fertilizer to thrive.
Fertilizing your Fukien Tea Tree is also important for its health and growth. A balanced fertilizer like this can be used every other week during the spring and summer months. Be sure to water the tree thoroughly after applying fertilizer to help it absorb the nutrients.
How to Fertilize A Fukien Tea Bonsai:
When it comes to Fukien Tea Tree bonsai, one of the most important things to remember is that they have delicate, sensitive roots and require good soil and fertilizer to thrive.
There are a few things to consider when fertilizing your tree. The first is what type of fertilizer to use. There are many different types available, but it’s important to find one that is specifically made for bonsai trees.
Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (NPK) are the three main nutrients that trees need, so look for a fertilizer that has those listed on the label.
Always use slow-releasing fertilizers or the tree roots can get burnt.
The next thing to consider is how often to fertilize. Fukien Tea Trees should be fertilized every two weeks during the growing season, which is typically from early spring until late fall.
Pruning your Fukien Tea Tree bonsai is an important part of keeping it healthy and looking its best. You will need a few basic tools to do the job: sharp scissors, a branch cutter, and wire cutters.
Start by removing any dead or damaged branches with sharp scissors. Cut the branch as close to the trunk as possible. Then use a branch cutter to remove any larger branches.
Make sure to cut the branch in such a way that it can be removed without damaging the trunk or other branches. Finally, use wire cutters to trim away any excess wire from previous pruning jobs.
When pruning your Fukien Tea Tree bonsai, always try to maintain its natural shape. Remove only the branches that are not needed and leave the rest alone.
Wiring a Fukien tea bonsai tree:

The Fukien Tea Tree is a small tree that is often used for bonsai. This tree can be wired to create different shapes and styles.
There are different types of wires that can be used on a Fukien Tea Tree: anodized aluminum wire, copper wire, etc. The type of wire used will depend on the desired shape and the thickness of the branch or trunk.
Anodized aluminum wire is best for shaping thin branches. It is easy to bend and has a silver color that will blend in with the foliage of the tree.
Copper wire is best for shaping thicker branches or trunks. It is harder to bend than aluminum wire, but it has a more natural color that will blend in with the bark of the tree.
To begin wiring the tree, select a branch and wrap the wire around it two or three times. Make sure that the wire is snug against the branch and that there are no gaps between the wire and the branch. Then twist the wire around itself to secure it in place.
Continue wiring branches in this way until the entire tree is shaped how you want it. Be careful not to apply too much pressure when bending branches, as this can damage them. Always err on the side of being too gentle when shaping your bonsai.
Styling a fukien tea bonsai:
Bonsai styles for Fukien Tea Trees can vary, but the most common is to shape the tree into a slanting style. To do this, you will need to constantly train the tree to grow in the direction you want.
You can use wires to help guide the branches into the desired shape. Be sure to check on your tree often, as it may need re-wiring every few months.
Another popular style for Fukien Tea Trees is the informal upright style. In this style, you will want to keep the trunk straight and allow some branches to grow taller than others. This will give your bonsai a more natural look.
The final style you can use for a Fukien Tea Tree is the cascade style. In this style, you will want to let some of the branches grow long and hang down from the pot.
One important part of caring for a Fukien Tea Tree bonsai is knowing when to repot it. Generally, you should repot your tree every two to three years. However, if the tree has overgrown its pot or the roots have grown out of control, you may need to repot it more often.
When deciding whether or not to repot your tree, take a look at the roots. If they are growing out of the pot and into the air, it’s time to repot. Also, if the pot is too small and the roots are tightly packed together, it’s time for a new pot.
When you do Repot Fukien Tea Tree Bonsai, be sure to do a root pruning at the same time. Cut away about 1/3 of the roots, being careful not to cut any of the healthy ones. Put some fresh soil in the pot and then replant the tree.
How To Propagate Fukien Tea Tree:
Propagating a Fukien Tea Tree is relatively easy. You can do this through both seeds or cuttings.
To propagate a Fukien Tea Tree bonsai from seeds, plant the seeds in a pot filled with soil and water. You can plant the seeds in early spring, and for cuttings wait till late summer or early fall.
Keep the pot in a warm, sunny location. The seeds will usually germinate within two weeks, and you can transplant the new plants into individual pots when they are large enough to handle.
To propagate a Fukien Tea Tree from cuttings, take a cutting from a healthy branch of the tree. Cut the branch at an angle, making sure that there is at least one leaf on the cutting. Dip the cutting in the rooting hormone, then place it in a pot filled with soil and water.
Common Pests and Diseases:
One of the most common pests of a Fukien Tea Tree bonsai is spider mites. These tiny creatures can cause significant damage to the foliage of a tree, and if left untreated, can kill the tree.
Symptoms of an infestation include yellowing or browning of the leaves, webbing on the leaves, and stippling on the leaves. If you suspect that your tree has spider mites, use a magnifying glass to inspect the leaves for these signs.
Another common pest of Fukien Tea Trees is scale. Scale are small insects that attach themselves to the branches or leaves of a tree and feed off of the sap.
They can cause damage to the tree by sucking sap from the leaves or branches, and they can also transmit diseases.
One way to prevent these pests from infesting your tree is to keep it healthy. Make sure to water it regularly and fertilize it according to the instructions on the fertilizer package.
If you notice any signs of pests, such as tiny bugs on the leaves or branches, take action immediately. You can treat an infestation with a pesticide or miticide specifically made for bonsai trees.
Fukien Tea Bonsai is a great plant for beginner and experienced bonsai enthusiasts alike. By following the tips provided in this article, your Fukien Tea Bonsai can thrive and grow into a beautiful and healthy tree.
Make sure to water it regularly, fertilize it every few months, and prune it as needed and you will be able to enjoy your bonsai for years to come. So why not give it a try?
I hope you like the information. If this post was helpful to you feel free to share it with others also. You can find more articles on bonsai care here on this page.