Bonsai trees are beautiful, living pieces of art that are a lot of fun to grow and maintain. Nandina, also known as heavenly bamboo, is a popular plant for bonsai. It’s easy to grow and take care of, and it makes a beautiful bonsai.
Today I will be sharing with you detailed information about how to take care of a Nandina bonsai so you can watch its beautiful color transformation throughout the year.
What is Nandina Bonsai or Heavenly Bamboo Bonsai
Nandina domestica is a shrub that is popular for use in bonsai. Although they are called heavenly bamboo trees they are not strictly bamboo.
It can be easily trained and is relatively easy to take care of and is great for beginners.
One of the interesting aspects of a heavenly bamboo bonsai is its beautiful color transformation throughout the year. In the spring it has pink new growth, in the summer it has green leaves with red edges, in the fall the leaves turn a deep red, and in winter the leaves are light green.
Taking Care of Your Nandina Bonsai Tree
A Nandina Bonsai or heavenly bamboo bonsai is a beautiful addition to any home. Here are some of the important points you need to keep in mind while growing heavenly bamboo bonsai.
Ideal Place To Keep A Heavenly Bonsai:
A nandina bonsai or heavenly bamboo is a frost-hardy tree. It prefers full sun but will tolerate part sun. Ideally, you should keep a Nandina bonsai outdoors but you can also grow them indoors if you can provide lots of lights.
By far the best place to keep a heavenly bamboo indoors is a south-facing window. If you lack proper sunlight you can always use a strong artificial grow light like this one to grow them indoors.
Soil and Growing Mediums:
It’s important to choose the right soil or growing medium for your bonsai. A mixture of sand and soil is ideal for Nandina bonsai, as it provides good drainage and aeration. Be sure to use soil that is light and fluffy, rather than dense and heavy, to allow for proper root growth.
Fertilizing A Nandina Bonsai:

Fertilizing your nandina bonsai is important for the health of the plant. The tree needs fertilizer every two weeks during the growing seasons.
You can reduce the frequency to once a month during the winter season when the growth of the plants stops completely.
Use a fertilizer that is made specifically for bonsai plants.
When To Repot Heavenly Bamboo Bonsai:
Before deciding when to repot your heavenly bamboo tree first, determine how long it has been since the plant was last repotted. Check the roots to see if they are growing out of the pot. If they are, then it is time to repot the plant. Generally, you should repot your nandina bonsai every two years.
Use a pot that is slightly larger than the previous pot. Make sure that there is proper drainage in the pot so that the roots can dry out properly.
Always do proper root pruning before reporting the bonsai. Add fresh soil and water well.
Finally, place the plant in a shady spot and wait for it to recover before moving it back into full sun.
How To Prune A Nandina Bonsai:
A nandina bonsai or heavenly bamboo bonsai doesn’t need much pruning. In fact, only light thinning is necessary to maintain its shape and keep it healthy.
If you have to prune your Nandina bonsai, do so in the late winter or early spring before new growth begins. Remove any dead or diseased branches with sharp scissors.
Use sharp scissors or pruning shears to cut branches back to just above a leaf node. If the trunk is chopped, new growth will sprout from where it was cut, and within 6 weeks you would see the leaves again.
How to propagate A Nandina Bonsai:
Nandina plants, also known as heavenly bamboo, can be propagated through cuttings or the division of suckers.
To propagate nandina through cuttings, take a 4-6 inch cutting from the new growth at the tip of a healthy branch in late spring or early summer. Strip off the lower leaves and dip the cutting in the rooting hormone. Plant the cutting in a good quality potting soil and water well.
Keep the soil moist but not wet and place it in a warm, sunny location. Roots will form in 2-3 weeks and new growth will appear soon after.
To propagate nandina bonsai through the division of suckers, locate a healthy sucker near the base of the plant and dig it up carefully. Now use this sucker as a new seedling to grow the tree.
Common Pests and Diseases of A Nandina Bonsai:
A nandina bonsai tree is not much affected by pests and diseases. However, there are a few that can occur from time to time. Sometimes a heavenly bamboo bonsai can get affected by viruses, which can distort foliage growth.
How to Style A Heavenly Bamboo Bonsai:
There are many ways to style a nandina bonsai, but the most popular is the twin-trunk or clump style. To create this style, you will need a single trunk nandina and some copper wire.
First, wire the branch in place. Twist the copper wire around the branch and twist it tightly. Make sure that the wire is tight enough that it will not move, but not so tight that it damages the branch.
Next, trim the excess branches off of the top of the tree. Leave only two branches on each side of the trunk. These will be your twin trunks.
Finally, use some more copper wire to wrap around the base of each trunk to create a clump shape. Copper wires work best for nandina bonsai trees as they are strong and flexible.
Nandina bonsai is beautiful and easy to take care of. This bonsai is perfect for beginners, or people who don’t have a lot of time to spend on their bonsai.
They are also a good choice for people who are new to bonsai and don’t know where to start. This is an easy-to-care-for bonsai that you can grow indoors or outdoors.
It is important to know when to water the bonsai, and how to trim it.
I hope you like the information in this post. To ensure your Nandina bonsai tree grows healthy and strong, follow the tips outlined in this article. Share this article with others who are interested in growing a Nandina bonsai tree of their own.