A bonsai tree is a marvel of nature. It’s a way to connect with nature and coax out the organic beauty that lies within each living thing.
Lots of people have heard of bonsai trees, but few actually know how to grow them. In fact, most people who buy a bonsai tree don’t even realize it needs care at all!
If you’re concerned about the environment, and you want a unique addition to your house or office decor, then a Ficus benjamina Bonsai tree is worth thinking about.
I’ll help you learn how to grow and take care of Ficus benjamina bonsai trees so that they can become an important part of your life and household.
There are some big advantages to having a Ficus Benjamina Bonsai tree. You can have a lot of space for it in your house, and you don’t have to water or fertilize it very often.
All you need is a good place that has decent sunlight for it. If you’re willing to take care of these things and you’re ready to bring one home, then read on.
What is Ficus Benjamina?
Ficus is a large, evergreen tree that can grow up to 100 feet tall. The tree is native to tropical Asia, where it has been used for centuries as a shade tree and food source.
The genus Ficus has more than 900 subspecies. Being evergreen trees they do not lose their foliage seasonally.
F. benjamina is a very popular domesticated ficus species among bonsai growers. They look amazing inside your house and also help in making air quality better.
Ficus benjamina is also known as Benjamin fig or weeping fig. They produce smooth bark, broad leaves, and a beautiful canopy of branches.
Ficus Benjamina Subspecies:
There are many subspecies or cultivars available for Ficus benjamina, some of the most popular ones are:
- ‘Danielle’,
- ‘Naomi’,
- ‘Exotica’,
- ‘Golden King’. etc
Please remember different cultivars may have different patterns For example, some might have light green leaves while others can display dark green leaves. Cultivars can also vary in height, or in branch shape.
Ficus Religiosa Bonsai Tree Care Guide
Why Grow Ficus Benjamina Bonsai:
The Ficus benjamina makes an excellent bonsai subject because it has bold visual appeal and a natural appearance as if it were growing in the wild.
In addition, the tree has an upright growth habit and produces beautiful leaves that vary in shape depending on the variety of Ficus you choose to grow. And the roots also strengthen with time.
The leaves are small and easy to prune, and they are one of the fastest-growing bonsai species.
You can train them easily in different bonsai styles. Training Ficus Benjina Bonsai Trees is easy when you follow these simple tips:
Ficus Benjamina Bonsai Care Guide

Ficus Benjamina Bonsai trees are a fun and beautiful choice for bonsai enthusiasts. The tree care is very easy and will only take an hour or two per week once your Ficus is established.
The following information will help guide you to keeping your bonsai healthy and happy.
How to Water The Ficus Benjamina Bonsai tree:
Water your ficus bonsai tree when the soil surface appears dry. Being a sun-loving plant it needs more water than many other trees. lack of water can really kill the plant quickly.
The best way to water a ficus bonsai tree is to use a moisture meter like this. If you can’t afford this you can always try the manual method of using your finger.
Use room temperature soft water and water the tree thoroughly. An occasional overwatering won’t harm your ficus tree.
When watering, soak it thoroughly until water begins to drain from the drainage holes in the bottom of its pot.
You can also place your bonsai in a shallow basin of water and allow it to soak for up to 30 minutes.
Be sure that all of the plant’s roots have been given enough moisture before you decide that you’re done watering.
Bear in mind your ficus tree is extremely sensitive to fluctuations in moisture. So make sure you’re watering the bonsai regularly and properly.
Ideal Location:
A ficus bonsai tree needs bright sunlight. Ideally for at least four to six hours of sunlight per day. Ficus benjamina is a tropical plant that will thrive in warm temperatures.
You can keep your bonsai indoors or outdoors, but it should be in a sunny and warm area with direct sunlight. Make sure that it’s kept out of extreme temperatures and direct drafts.
Expose the plant to as much natural light as possible. If you’re struggling to provide enough sunlight indoors, supplement with strong artificial lighting.
Never place your Ficus bonsai in a dark, cold corner of the home where it won’t get any light.
If you have a very cold climate, bring your bonsai inside for winter to protect it from freezing temperatures.
It is best to keep your Ficus Benjamina Bonsai tree outside during the summer months and indoors during the winter.
Ficus Benjamina is a tropical tree so they love warm humid weather. Lack of humidity can result in dry and withered leaves and can also kill the plant.
To help keep your bonsai happy throughout the year, try using a humidifier. Also, give the tree daily misting. Just remember oo much misting can also create fungal problems so be careful with this.
The ideal humidity for any bonsai tree is around 60 percent, so keeping this in mind will go a long way toward helping your tree thrive!
Ficus trees need a lot of nutrients in order to thrive, so it’s important that you feed your tree on a regular basis.
There are different types of fertilizer that you can choose from, including liquid and granular varieties. Whichever type you prefer is fine as long as you’re giving your tree the nutrients it needs.
Fertilize the tree twice a month during the growing season, with a water-soluble fertilizer at half strength. You can reduce the frequency to once a month or less during fall.
Stop fertilizing the ficus bonsai altogether in the winter as they fall into dormancy.
How Do You Prune A Ficus Benjamina Bonsai
Pruning and trimming are important parts of bonsai care. To keep your ficus bonsai healthy, and in shape, you must do regular pruning.
You can do a little bit of pruning any time of year but the best time to do heavy pruning is during late winter or early spring before new growth begins. If you’re bringing a potted ficus inside for the winter, a quick pruning will be a good idea.
Cut off any leaves that have brown edges and dead leaves that cannot be saved.
Ficus bonsai also grows large leaves so to keep them in proportion a little bit of leaf pruning is essential.
To keep your tree small, prune off any new growth that appears below the branch collar where it meets the trunk or strongest branch of your bonsai tree.
Prune back branches only as far as necessary to maintain their shape and size, leaving about five leaves per branch on mature trees and four leaves per branch on young trees; more leaf growth means more nutrients for your bonsai tree.
Ficus trees are sturdy and tenacious so you need good quality tools to prune the tree properly. Use a branch cutter, or pruning shears to remove dead or unwanted branches and leaves. You will also need a pair of small pruning shears for doing fine/close work on the tree.
Be sure to disinfect your cutting tools between uses with a 10 percent bleach solution.
Styling A Ficus Benjamina Bonsai Tree:
Ficus Benjamina Bonsai Trees have an excellent growth rate when young but tend to slow down as they age.
Due to their flexibility wiring and bending of thin ficus Ficus branches is quite easy. Check the wires regularly so that they don’t can cut into the bark. This can happen very quickly due to their fast growth rate.
For thick branches use guy-wires, you can leave them for a longer period of time.
Ficus Benjamina trees are suitable for training in many different bonsai styles. Some of the most popular ones are:
- Formal upright,
- Informal upright,
- Cascade,
- Semi-cascade,
- Broom, and
- Slanting styles
How Often Should I Repot Ficus Bonsai?
Ficus bonsai grows pretty fast and so you have to repot the bonsai every year especially when the tree is quite young.
You can do strong root pruning at the time of repotting to make room for new root growth. Use fast-draining bonsai soil to avoid root rot.
After you have repotted the bonsai, keep it in a partially sheltered location until the tree gets established.
Pests and Diseases:
The main pest of Ficus benjamina is scale insects, which are small bugs that look like brown spots on your plant. If you notice this problem, spray your tree with insecticidal soap or neem oil to get rid of these pests.
Other than these occasional pests, Ficus benjamina is a very hardy plant that does not require much care other than watering it regularly and providing it with the proper amount of sunlight.
Why is Your Ficus Bonsai Turning Yellow?
To grow a healthy and strong tree, we must pay attention to different aspects like water, sunlight, fertilizer, and pruning. Be sure to follow the above guidelines for growing and care to ensure it grows to its fullest potential.
We hope this article has provided you with a thorough bonsai tree care instructional. If you have any more questions about Ficus benjamina bonsai tree care, please don’t hesitate to leave us a comment, and we’ll do our best to answer your questions.